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Submitted by moiuser on 11 May 2022

WE asked for a list of participants for the peace talks. So far, we receive the list of 10 ethnic armed organizations to attend – seven that have already signed NCA and three that have not yet signed NCA. As you see, some organizations released statements that they would not join the talk. Some are still under discussion.

We will prioritize the time that is more for EAOs to hold the talk. We aim to hold talks as quickly as possible. However, there are differences in one organization and so we will prioritize them when we receive their feedback rather than fix the time.

In seven NCA signatories, they are DKBA, KNU-KNLA/PC, PNLO, NMSP, ALP, RCSS (SSA) and LDU. The three non-signatories are UWSA, NDAA and SSPP (SSA). The main point is that we have already set 2022 as the peace year. Therefore, the Head of State invited them to peace talks to meet in person. There are also different opinions on that. Some release the statements. What I want to say is that who else is more involved in the peace talks than the EAOs. Who should be included in the list of all eligible participants than EAOs?

As I said at the press conference, this is a good time rather than a personal attachment. Being a good time, the attitudes on the peace, public and residents of the groups that do not join emerge.

We will prioritize the peace processes, and the participants in talks, Tatmadaw and government firmly guarantee the Union based on democracy and federalism. Regarding this issue, we will openly discuss their demands. We will keep going deeply to improve the peace processes.
