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Submitted by moiuser on 26 September 2023

CHINA-MYANMAR Twin City Media Forum will take place on a grand scale in Mandalay in the third week of November this year with some 30 Chinese participants and some 70 Myanmar participants, said Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn at a meeting with Executive Chief Editor Mr Zhang Ruogu and party from Yunnan International Communication Centre for South and Southeast Asia.

The meeting held at the Myanma Radio and Television on Pyay Road of Yangon yesterday focused on holding the China-Myanmar Twin City Media Forum.

The Union minister underscored that the enhancement of the Myanmar-China Pauk-Phaw relationship helps further promote friendly relations between peoples from both countries.

The Union minister unveiled that the China-Myanmar Twin City Media Forum will take place on a grand scale in Mandalay in the third week of November this year with some 30 Chinese participants and some 70 Myanmar participants, urging them to arrange visits to Nay Pyi Taw after the forum.

The Yunnan representative expressed his agreement to hold the forum in the cultural city Mandalay with his wish to insert the cultural entertainment of both countries in the forum programme.

The Union minister and the Yunnan guests viewed the screening of the weekly Quiz Time Programme in English with the participation of two students for the Myanmar International (MI) channel at MRTV.

The Union minister watched the news within the news programme of MRTV-HD channel and gave instructions on the choice of news, presentation, dressing and creativities.

In the afternoon, the Union minister talked about cooperation with foreign countries in the media sector at the meeting with officials from the Myanmar Press Council Office in Botahtaung Township.

