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Submitted by moiuser on 28 November 2020

Union Minister for Education Dr Myo Thein Gyi attended the International Research Conference to mark the 100th anniversary of Yangon University yesterday afternoon.

The two-day conference is in progress under the title of ‘Transformation Processes in Myanmar V’ in the virtual system in which a total of 92 researchers from 11 international universities and 20 local universities read and discussed 41 research papers, in the presence of directors-general and deputy directors-general from education departments, rectors and professors from the universities in Myanmar and about 200 local and international researchers.

Union Minister Dr Myo Thein Gyi expressed words of thanks for the participation of the researchers at the conference during his opening speech of the conference.

He said the participation of the international scholars is the evidence of Myanmar’s growing international cooperation which plays an important role in a university’s research, teaching and management, adding that Myanmar has partnered with international science networks such as the ASEAN University Network and the Erasmus + University Network and cooperation with experts reflects the development of mutual recognition and mutual understanding and trust.

The Union Minister continued the MoU signed in 2003 will enhance the cooperation between Yangon University and the University of Cologne and establish a stronger relationship for many years to come, by holding an international research conference.

The Ministry of Education is supporting in international and local research in accordance with the principles of quality-based promotion, the initial practice of academic freedom in 16 universities, including Yangon University and international cooperation for student exchange and teacher exchange.

Head of the Cultural Section Mr Frank Thierfelder on behalf of the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Chairman of the Rector’s Committee Dr Zaw Wai Soe and Yangon University Rector Dr Phoe Kaung gave welcome speeches.

Professor Dr Frauke Kraas from the University of Cologne of Germany gave a keynote speech and research papers were read and submitted according to the programme.


( Translated by Ei Phyu Phyu Aung)


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