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Foster individual growth to cultivate reliable State leaders

THE role of leaders is crucial in any organization as they are a pivot for relevant organizations. Therefore, it is important to strive continually to improve themselves and work towards becoming reliable and capable leaders whom the organization can depend on.

Leaders must be more capable than subordinates at any time. To provide effective leadership, it is essential to continuously enhance one’s knowledge and skills in line with the evolving times. Equally important is maintaining integrity, honesty, and a high standard of moral character.

It is necessary to lead the subordinates and relevant units with courage and clarity in decision-making, responsibility, and accountability while managing subordinates with integrity and fairness, free from malice. Everyone has to work towards further improving and building the organization they lead.

That is why as leaders at all levels, it is essential to assign unified and fair orders and responsibilities and to shape leadership through correct guidance and management that understands human nature. They have to enquire about the difficulties and worries of subordinates and seek ways how to resolve their challenges.

Leaders are responsible for the endurance of relevant organizations and the convenience of subordinates. The ability of an organization to stand firm and endure for a long period of time is due to the presence of correct policies, precise and strong regulations, rules, and laws that must be followed and enforced, and systematic training and discipline. Hence, leaders need to support relevant organizations in all aspects to reduce hardships and challenges.

Moreover, leaders need to encourage subordinates to follow relevant disciplines, rules and regulations without violation. In terms of discipline, there are only two types of regulations: those that encourage adherence and action, and those that establish prohibitions to avoid. It is necessary to give training to subordinates to have responsible citizen practice conscientiously following and maintaining prescribed regulations, to foster good habits and practices, so that the responsibilities entrusted to them are carried out diligently and with high regard.

As such, it is necessary to establish a smooth and stable governance system with unity and fairness, make correct decisions, and work towards achieving an inclusive and effective organization without any obstacles. At the same time, leaders have to provide welfare measures for subordinates. Consequently, those subordinates will make sacrifices for their assigned duties and obligations for the sake of their leaders as well as their organizations without considering their self-interest.
