Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Anti-Terrorism Central Committee
Declaration of Terrorist Groups
Notification No 2/2021
12th Waning of Tagu 1383 ME
8 May 2021
The Anti-Terrorism Central Committee has issued this order with the approval of the State Administration Council in exercising the Anti-Terrorism Law Section 6, sub-section (e), Section 72 and sub-section (b).
1. Unlawful Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw-CRPH and National Unity Government formed by CRPH constantly incited Civil Disobedience Movement-CDM participants to commit violent acts. Many riots occurred in many places of the country due to their incitements. They perpetrated bombing, arson, manslaughter, and intimidation to disrupt the state administrative machinery due to the influence of the leaders of CRPH and NUG. Moreover, NUG established People Defence Force-PDF. Violent acts occurred in the name of regional defence forces instigated by CRPH and NUG. It is found that their acts to join CDM, threatening non-CDMs, inciting students and teachers not to go to schools, supporting terrorist acts and perpetrating such terrorist acts violate Section 3 (b) and Sub-section 13 of the Counter-Terrorism Law – acts with the intent to cause fear in public, to force Government or any internal and external organization to do an illegitimate act or to refrain from doing a lawful act, and other acts, stipulated by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No 23 on 4 June 2014.
2. Therefore, unlawful associations – Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw-CRPH, National Unity Government-NUG, People Defence Force-PDF and all their subordinates have been declared as terrorist groups.
Anti-Terrorism Central Committee