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Submitted by moiuser on 24 June 2024

GARMENT manufacturers involved in joint venture with the Ministry of Industry attended a meeting in Yangon yesterday. The meeting took place at the Industrial Supervision and Inspection Department Office attended by Union Minister for Industry Dr Charlie Than, the Managing Director of No 3 Heavy Industries Enterprise, and departmental staff.

Initially, the Union minister emphasized that manufacturers would achieve greater profitability and create local employment opportunities by shifting from simply exporting domestically produced cotton to instead engaging in cotton ginning and fabric production.

The Union minister also directed that significant efforts should focus on improving product quality and increasing production volumes to replace foreign imports and foster local employment.

Subsequently, officials from companies leasing factories, lands, and buildings from the Ministry of Industry outlined their respective operational strategies and highlighted challenges faced during their operations.

In the afternoon, the Union minister convened a meeting with Ministry of Industry officials working in Yangon Region at a pharmaceutical factory in Insein, Yangon. During this session, the Union minister underscored the importance of adhering to strict guidelines for orderly industrial development within the departments of the ministry.

The Union minister further instructed employees to study international systems and stressed that successful manufacturing operations are essential for distributing and selling products in the market.

Later, managing directors awarded employees working in Yangon Region on behalf of the Ministry of Industry.

