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Submitted by moiuser on 3 October 2023

MEMBER of the State Administration Council Khun San Lwin, along with members of the Shan State government, officials from state and district township-level departments, members of Pa-O and Danu self-administered zone administration bodies met town elders, ethnic literature and cultural troupes, and business people in Taunggyi yesterday.

The SAC member explained the five-point roadmap, nine objectives, preparations for a free and fair election, and the fulfilment of requirements for education, health, transport, social and economic sectors through coordinated efforts of the relevant departments.

Members of the Pa-O, Danu, and Inn literature and cultural organizations, rice millers, potato growers, merchants, coffee growers, oil traders and town elders also presented their requirements and Shan State Chief Minister U Aung Zaw Aye complied with them.

SAC Member Khun San Lwin, Shan State Chief Minister U Aung Zaw Aye and State Ethnic Affairs Minister U Aung Kyi Win presented cash awards to ethnic literature and cultural organizations.

